Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sally's gone virtual

We had the news yesterday that, due to unforeseen and extenuating circumstances, Sally Brown will be unable to travel to Australia for the ATN Assessment conference.

Yes we were disappointed too.

However, with the assistance of technology and support from David Boud, we will attempt to beam in a virtual form of Sally for her keynote presentation on Thursday morning. This is likely to be a live cross to the UK so there will be opportunities for delegates to engage with Sally about her current thinking about engaging students with assessment.

Also, if you have skimmed the abstracts provided in the online version of your program (a hard copy will be provided when you arrive) you will see that on Friday morning our keynote presenters are John Biggs and Catherine Tang. John and Catherine have invited delegates to select a course to work on during their interactive session on constructive alignment. Don't miss this opportunity to optimise your courses with input from the experts themselves.


P.S. This also means that Phil Race's pre-conference workshop "Smarter Feedback" on Wednesday had to be cancelled.

Image: Microsoft Clip art

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